IMPORTANT NOTE: The build subsystem is not yet officially supported. Please direct any questions on the topic to Arkady V.Belousov (, for further detail. His documentation on the build follows: To build HIMEM and EMM386 executables, there present build subsystem (which based on subsystem from FreeDOS kernel and customized similarly). Build subsystem contains BUILD.BAT for compile (through MAKEFILE), CLEAN.BAT to remove temporary files (listings, object files, etc), CLOBBER.BAT, which removes also compiled executables, and support files (*.CFG, *.MAK, other *.BAT files). Also, there is a CONFIG.B file that specifies all the paths and name of the (default) compiler, assembler and its options, etc. You must copy it to CONFIG.BAT first, then edit to reflect real environment. The reason for copying of CONFIG.B to CONFIG.BAT is that when new release of the EMM386 package come out, you can extract it over previous sources, and not have to worry about resetting up your configuration because your CONFIG.BAT file will not get replaced! Build subsystem supports assembling by NASM and TASM and compilation by Turbo C 2.01, Turbo C++ 1.01, Borland C, MS VC and OpenWatcom - see CONFIG.B for details. (Though, HIMEM/EMM386 sources are currently ready only for TASM and Borland compilers. But NoMySo utility from allows to assemble some TASM sources, including HIMEM/EMM386, by NASM.) Optionally, HIMEM/EMM386 executables can be compressed using UPX. Simply adjust CONFIG.BAT to enable it. Syntax of BUILD.BAT: "BUILD [-r] [msc|wc|tc|tcpp] [86|186|386] [debug]" (where "-r" clobbers all before compiling). These options allow on the fly override paramaters from CONFIG.BAT without modifying it, and build subsystem is enough smart to rebuild all if, for example, you select different compiler, than previously. Example of working CONFIG.BAT: @echo off set XASM=tasm /m/mx set AFLAGS=/z/la/n set COMPILER=BC set TC_BASE=c:\devel\tc set TCPP_BASE=c:\devel\tcpp set BC_BASE=c:\devel\bc set WATCOM=c:\devel\watcom15 if "%dos4g%" == "" set dos4g=quiet Example of compilation: command/c build >log // compile and log all output to LOG file build tc // re-compile for COMPILER=TC Resulting executables will be placed in SOURCE directory. Intermediate (non-packed) execuatbles are reside in directory with batch files - they may be useful for debugging.